How do you shake hands and what does that say about you?
A bad handshake can set the tone for the rest of an important conversation, particularly a job interview. Do you have any idea what your handshake says about you?
- The Politician– A double fisted shake that attempts to convey the message of “sincerity”. Unless you are familiar with the other person and already have a relationship established, skip this handshake and leave it to the politician’s campaigning for your vote. Also used with close family, friends and at funerals.
- The Frat Bump – Knuckle to knuckle is not an appropriate greeting when you are attempting to make a good first impression. Yes, President Obama uses this greeting on occasion but he is the President of the United States and is not applying for another job at this time.
- The Cold Fish – A limp, weak handshake that sends the message of insecurity is a definite “don’t” in any handshaking situation.
- The Lobster – This handshake is similar to the “Cold Fish” except the grip is strong. This signals that you are disengaged in the conversation and difficult to communicate with.
- The Vice Grip – Ouch! The person that is offering this grip is similar to the school yard bully. Be careful when doing business with this person.
The Perfect Handshake – A firm, but not too firm grip, that engages the entire hand. The connection should be between the fold of skin between the index finger and thumb. A few shakes from the elbow, a smile and good eye contact deliver a confident handshake.
Watch Handshake Etiquette on Channel 4, WOAI SA Living with Shelly Miles to see more.