Making enemies with your office mates or successfully pulling something over on your boss is not the way to the top. Even if you get away with it once, your reputation is on the line. It’s simply not worth risking a long-term promotion just to get a little more sleep or to get in a good jab at a lazy colleague. If you want to succeed at work you must realize you are judged on more than just how well you perform assigned tasks, you are judged on your behavior. Make sure you behave like a professional at work.
- Keep your personal laundry at home. Even if you are going through a tough time or have had an argument with your latest boyfriend, keep your office conversation professional. Avoid involving your co-workers in your day-to-day, minute-to-minute love life.
- Tape and computer paper are not free. Stay out of the office supply closet and check the sale ads at your local mega store to stock your home office.
- Take responsibility for your own mistakes. If you have erred, it is best to admit it rather than trying to cover it up. Worse yet, don’t try to blame someone else.
- Stopping off at the local coffee shop for your gourmet coffee is not a reasonable excuse for being late. Bringing a latte in to the boss will irritate your co-workers and will win you the name “Suck up.”
- Know the difference between… “Office Casual” and “Sloppy Saturday.” If you’re wearing it to wash your car, it’s not appropriate office attire.
- Eat your breakfast before you get to the office. And your lunch at lunchtime, not at your desk after returning from your lunch break.
- Call in sick only when you are sick. A hangover doesn’t count as a valid excuse.
- Don’t come to work with a fever. Your co-workers won’t appreciate you sneezing and wheezing on everyone in sight.
- Be a team player. Offer help to your colleagues when you know they are working on a big project and you have a little free time.
- Stay away from the office water cooler. Unless you are thirsty. The “office gossip” usually lingers around the cooler, looking for an open ear.
- Don’t flirt with your boss. Even if your boss is flirting first. It is still risky business.
Great suggestions. So much of what you recommended is common sense. A little courtesy goes a long way for being viewed as a professional with good business savvy skills.
Thank you Juanita, always good hearing from you.