Image: ToDo
(Don’t forget to print your list out too!)
Prepping for a job interview can be daunting. Applying for multiple jobs at the same time can add to the confusion and blur your memory when you have so many interviews to remember. To be sure you are prepared, as well as accurate in your recollection, refer to my job interview checklist below.
Write down the following:
- Name of the company you are interviewing with
- Name of the interviewer
- Position you are applying for
- Date of interview
- Time of day
- Location of interview
- Location of employment (if different than initial interview)
Job Interview Checklist Basics:
(Make sure you have a printed copy in case your phone or GPS device dies; also write down the full address before you leave.)
- A notepad and pen (a nice, ball point pen that does not have your teeth marks on it and a notepad in a business portfolio)
- Extra copies of your resume and a list of references and their contact information
- Business cards (not expected from college students; however, it will impress the interviewer if you took the time to prepare some cards with your information included)
- If relevant, your work samples or portfolio
- Money for paid parking or a parking meter
- Lint roller (no fur or fuzz should be noticeable on your clothing)
- Mints, brush or comb, mini sewing kit to include a needle and thread (to be ready and prepared for an emergency)
- Cell phone OFF…don’t even bring it into the interview
- Professional bag, briefcase or portfolio (no backpacks or flashy purses)
Before the Interview:
- Research the history of the company – when did it come into existence, is it a publicly traded company?
- Name of the CEO and key members
- Prepare for tricky questions:
– Work history – Why do you have a history of changing jobs so frequently?
– Why were you let go from your last job?
– Do you have a criminal record?
– What is your greatest weakness? (You know they ALWAYS ask!) - Carefully prepare your answers and practice your response in a calm and careful manner.
- What sets you apart from other interviewees? Offer any extra tid-bits of information you think makes you exciting and interesting.
- Come prepared with questions. Examples include: specific duties of the job, information about the company or work environment and company expectations.
- What makes you impressive? Specific accomplishments and awards you have received that further prove you are perfect for this job.
After the Interview:
- What did I like most about the interview and the job opportunity?
- What did I not like about the job?
- Who do I send thank you notes? Remember that each person that interviewed you gets an individually written thank you note.
- How and when will I follow up?
- On a scale of 1 to 5, 1 being the very worst job of my life and 5 being the very best job I could get right now, how would I rate this potential opportunity? 1 2 3 4 5 (and why?)
- What can I do different next time to improve my interview or chance of getting the job?