Invitation compliments of Moon Mippy Stationery
Baby showers are a wonderful way for friends and family to come together to celebrate an upcoming birth, and honor the mom-to-be. If you are hosting the shower, here are a few tips to help you throw a successful party:
Consider the expectant mother’s wishes. Ask her how involved she would like to be in the planning process. Some new moms may want to be totally surprised, while others will have definite ideas. At the very least, she should have input on the guest list, date, and choice of gift registries. She may even have certain traditions she’d like to incorporate into the celebration, whether they are party games, using heirloom linens or a family cake recipe.
Timing is everything. Baby showers are usually held within two months of the baby’s arrival date. For planning purposes, sooner is usually better than later. It allows the soon-to-be-mom enough time to pick up any additional items she needs before the baby arrives. There is also the chance the baby may arrive a little early and it’s best to be prepared.
Hosting the shower. In the past, decorum dictated it was in bad taste for immediate family members to host a baby shower, with the responsibility often falling to a friend(s) or relative(s). This rule is no longer written in stone, especially if there is no one else offering to take on the responsibility. While it may not be the optimum choice, in some situations it may be the only one!
Stick to a budget. Have a conversation that includes a clear objective on how much each host is willing to spend. Respect fellow hosts by staying within the prearranged budget. Request an approximate guest count from the mother-to be, and discuss her expectations for the venue and food. Remember, the shower is a collaborative effort between hosts and communication regarding costs is imperative.
Sharing registry information. While some people may feel adding a gift registry to a baby shower invitation is a breach of etiquette, most people welcome a hint, which often includes the ease of ordering from a website. Missy Rindler, founder of Moon Mippy Stationery says, “Traditionally, the gift registry is discreetly included at the bottom of the baby shower invitation. The purpose is to get the mom-to-be exactly what she is hoping for.” A registry ensures the mom-to-be won’t receive a large number of duplicate items. Equally important, it takes a great deal of pressure off the hosts of the shower, and the shower guests. Truly a win-win-win!
Think beyond stuffed animals. You will notice on the gift registry the absence of multiple stuffed bears and puppies. Most moms appreciate the basics, especially first time moms that are starting from scratch. They need everything from diapers and wipes to various clothes and baby supplies. The gift registry serves as a clear guide.
Party favors are nice, but not necessary. If the hosts choose to offer a treat to guests when they leave, there are plenty of fun and sweet ideas that won’t break the bank: a small box of chocolate truffles, homemade cookies, or mini bags of gourmet popcorn. Place them in a basket by the door so each guest can take one on their way out. It’s a nice reminder of the special event.
For a sampling of my baby shower favorites, visit my Baby Shower Ideas board on Pinterest.
Have fun and enjoy the celebration!