Image: Celebrate Magazine
Last weekend I made Summer Squash Ravioli (pictured above), featured in Celebrate Magazine. Needless to say, it was a huge hit. Try it out this weekend…you won’t regret it.
But, before you dive in, here are a few Pasta Dining Etiquette Dos and Don’ts:
- Do use only your fork to twirl a few strands of spaghetti before taking a bite. A spoon is often offered, but this produces a large mound of pasta that is difficult to put into your mouth.
- Don’t slurp noodles into your mouth, no matter how relaxed the dining environment.
- Do order smart when out with a client or on a first date. Choose a bow tie, penne pasta, or a form of noodle you can eat in one bite, or skip it all together and order mashed potatoes!
- Don’t use your bread to sop up the extra sauce after all the pasta has been eaten.
- Do use the side of your fork, or your fork and knife to cut large noodles, such as ravioli, lasagna, or pasta casseroles.
- Don’t cut your spaghetti unless you are under the age of five.
Buon appetito!