Social media opens up a world you wouldn’t otherwise be able to visit on a regular basis. It also allows you to locate long lost friends and connect with new and interesting people. When it comes to social media and your marriage, there are some basic etiquette guidelines that may prove worthy of review.
Here are my social media and marriage etiquette tips with respect to your mate:
Be considerate in what you post. This includes pictures of old girlfriends – boyfriends – or anything your spouse would find hurtful or offensive. If they voice concern, take their remarks to heart.
A quick comment is not a substitute for the real thing. Although, it is nice to receive an “I love you,” over a private message during the day, the majority of your communication should not be on a computer screen. Make time for daily face-to-face conversation.
Be mindful of who you friend and follow. [Tweet “Your Facebook account is public and just as in life, you are judged by the company you keep.”] If your mate is uncomfortable with a person you regularly interact with online, ask yourself honestly if there is a valid reason for concern. Carrying around your cell phone and checking your notifications every few minutes is a definite “red flag”.
Don’t overshare. There is a difference between a family update on what’s happening in your life and airing your recent marital disagreements. It is often tempting to vent, but do so privately with a trusted confidant. The damage you cause publicly will go far beyond the altercation.
Make it a point to show pride in your spouse’s success. It’s a sweet gesture to publicly congratulate your wife on her new promotion, or post a recent anniversary picture. It’s a great feeling to see a happy couple!
Keep your Facebook friends out of your bed. When you are with your partner, power down your technology. Too often people go to bed with their computer and fall asleep communicating with virtual strangers on social media. Turn off the screen, hop off the Twitter feed, and reconnect with your loved one.
For more Social Media etiquette tips, visit my article on The Huffington Post.