Whether you are an entrepreneur with a vision, an up-and-coming executive or a seasoned pro, daily routines can wear you down.
We all need a dose of motivation when our energy levels start to falter at work. The good news is inspiration isn’t an elusive muse that randomly stops by to visit. You have more control over your emotions than you might think.
Here are 8 ways to kick start enthusiasm the next time you need a lift.
1. Focus on the Purpose of Your Work
In the daily bustle, little urgencies and must-do tasks can dominate your field of vision. It’s easy to forget the real reason you are there. When you start to wonder what it’s all for, stop and refocus: what do you appreciate about the product or service you are putting out into the world? Are you part of a team that engages and challenges you? At a basic level, you are there to create a better future for yourself and your family. Look past the busy blur of emails, meetings and papers to acknowledge the good things you are accomplishing each day.
2. Take Action
As Pablo Picasso said, “Inspiration does exist, but it must find you working.” We can nurture the process along by having the gumption to begin. Instead of waiting for the right mood or perfect conditions to appear, take the first step. Open a new document. Label a file folder. Make a to-do list. When you move in the direction you need to go, momentum often follows.
3. Look at the Big Picture
Even if you are not in your dream job at this moment, you are almost certainly on one of the stepping stones it takes to get there. Think of how your current position fits into your long-term vision for your career.
4. Tap the Power of People
Look for people who are engaged and enthusiastic about their work and try to work with them (or at least absorb their influence). Also, remember that whether you realize it or not, you are connected to everyone around you. At this very moment, you are surrounded by people with the power to impact your career both now and in the future, in ways you can’t fathom. No matter what your position, you are influencing others and your actions are setting an example – let it be a positive one.
5. Expand Your Mind
Books are an endless source of stimulation and new ideas. Choose from thousands of books on business, motivation, positive thinking, even biographies of people who have overcome challenges to succeed. All of these can give you new ideas and help you look at the world differently.
6. Try Something Different
What we do outside the office can greatly impact our attitude on the job. If your inspiration is waning, broaden your horizons by doing something novel: take a class, pursue a new hobby, see a movie or visit a museum. Even checking out a different coffee shop or watching a TV show you haven’t seen can be a simple way to freshen up your routine.
7. Create a Dynamic Workspace
If you sit down in a gray cubicle amid stacks of papers each day, treat yourself to more inspiring surroundings. Invest in some artwork, a plant or personal photos that will make your work area an inviting, welcoming space each day.
8. Recharge Yourself on a Daily Basis
Consider getting “fired up” as one of your daily tasks, right alongside taking your vitamins and showering. Start your day by reading something inspiring. Limit the amount of negative or unpleasant information you take in. Instead of listening to contentious news shows on the drive to work, listen to something you find uplifting, such as your favorite music, podcast, an audio book or a comedy show. Proactively feed your inspiration by surrounding yourself with things that make you happy.
You may also like 7 Surefire Ways to Catapult Your Productivity to the Next Level. For more of Diane’s etiquette tips read her posts on Inc., subscribe to her articles on The Huffington Post, “like” The Protocol School of Texas on Facebook, and follow her on Pinterest, Instagram and Twitter. Order Diane’s forthcoming book, Modern Etiquette for a Better Life here.