When your work obligations are in overdrive and require more of your time, most likely a tropical vacation isn’t an option. If you find yourself dreaming of the beach while you peck away at your laptop, here are a few ways to squeeze some TLC into your hectic workday – even if for just a few minutes.
1. Take a 15 minute walk. Even when your day is jam packed and a traditional lunch break is out of the question, finding a few minutes to get some fresh air is healthy and will recharge your professional battery. Bring your sneakers to work and take a quick break for a speed walk.
2. Savor a healthy salad. When stress is high, it’s even more crucial to eat healthy foods. Treat yourself to a yummy salad with plenty of super fruits and veggies to fuel your day. My favorite? A berry pecan salad with grilled chicken drizzled with raspberry vinaigrette. Don’t forget to stay hydrated with plenty of water!
3. Sneak in a YouTube workout. Believe it or not, there are plenty of great 10 minute workouts created for the office that are easily available on YouTube. Close your door and start moving!
4. Pamper yourself. Light a lavender candle, smooth on some hand cream and give your tired hands a quick rub. Take a few minutes for quiet thoughts. Better yet, schedule a pedicure appointment at the salon around the corner. On your way, grab a quick lunch and enjoy while you are being polished.
5. Don’t forget family and friends. Even if you have a full time job that requires you to be at the office from at least 9 to 5, schedule a lunch date with those you love. It’s a great opportunity to catch up during the day and gives everyone something to look forward to. Try out a new restaurant that’s been on your list!