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Dear Diane,
My sons and I always give their dad a Father’s Day present, and of course, I send my father something special as well. However, I’m wondering if I should also be giving a small gift to my three adult sons and my son in law, since they have children of their own? Thanks in advance for your advice! – Margaret
Hello Margaret,
What a great question, and congratulations on a growing family! Gift giving is not an obligation, and it is certainly not mandatory to buy gifts for your adult sons on Father’s Day. However, if you are inclined to buy them something special, or take them out to dinner in honor of “fatherhood,” by all means do so. The short answer is, “it’s up to you.” No rule – do what your heart tells you to do. I am sure your children will have their own personal plans, and most likely will spend a good part of their day enjoying each other’s company. You may be included, but be aware that adult children like to start their own traditions as well.
You may want to choose a day, Father’s Day or another, and invite the entire family over for a Father’s Day Brunch. It’s the perfect opportunity to catch up and see your grandchildren! Don’t get your feelings hurt if not everyone can attend. Some additional thoughts on making the day meaningful and fun can be found on my Father’s Day Etiquette page.