University Etiquette
Business Etiquette & Leadership Development Programs for Universities
It’s not just dinner…it’s business. Second job interviews are routinely conducted over a meal in order to observe the interviewee’s comfort level in social situations. A relationship can be built, or a job lost, over a simple spaghetti dinner. Are you prepared?
The mere thought of making conversation with a stranger is enough to make most people break out in a sweat. Companies value individuals that can communicate effectively and network in social and business venues. If you want the job, it takes the ability to convince another person that you’ve got what it takes to make a favorable impression on clients, coworkers and the community.
A strong resume is not the only thing that makes a powerful impression on an employer. Professional clothing speaks volumes about how a job candidate, or a new hire, prefers to be seen and evaluated.
Corporate Etiquette

Professional corporate etiquette, a.k.a. “People Skills,” is a fundamental part of your executive tool kit. According to research done by Harvard University, The Carnegie Foundation and the Stanford Research Institute, more than 85% of job success is based on “soft skills,” your personal conduct and the ability to put others at ease. Corporate clients expect no less than “Five Star” treatment, and in today’s fiercely competitive market, you are at a disadvantage if you overlook important fine points.
Business executives routinely find themselves in situations where they must communicate effectively with clients and colleagues. Understanding the intricacies of networking is what thoughtful business owners and major corporations consider an executive survival skill. Effective networking takes effort and practice. People like doing business with people they respect and trust. A good communicator knows how to put others at ease.
Confidence in dining situations frees one to pay closer attention to business conversation. When we are nervous, we cannot give one hundred percent of our concentration to fellow diners, leading to miscommunication, or a business breakdown. Questions about which fork to use, what to do if you have dropped your napkin and what role you hold in a “toast” are all legitimate concerns. Knowing how to handle one’s self with poise in dining situations adds to an individual’s overall effectiveness when representing an organization at social and business events.
It is true, you are judged by the manner in which you choose the world to view you as a professional. Make no mistake…it’s all in the details.